Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Picture what you want to be and set goals

Cam from "Never Back Down"
Ever since Gabby and I watched the movie "Never Back Down" I realized what kind of shape I wanted to be in.  I wanted to have a similiar physique to that of "Cam's".  I have always been pretty scrawy.  Then when I got a office job and kids I became lazy and became "Skinny Fat".   I have worked hard and lost all the weight that I wanted to in the past 6 months.  There is so much work that can still be done to be in better shape!  Some say that a peak has been reached but I have just started P90X with some friends and it is hard! This means it is good! I have never done Yoga before but it stresses my body so I know I will grow from it.  I am also working on flexibility and this is a workout that will help me achieve that goal.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weight Lifting

"Weight lifting does so much more than build pecs and biceps. It causes the body to burn calories all day long and even while you sleep. It protects joints from wear and tear. Bones become denser and less prone to injury. Strength training reduces body fat, arthritic pain, and muscle loss as we age. It increases metabolism and lowers the risk of diabetes because it improves insulin sensitivity."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Round 3 Week 2- P90X

Well so far I am loving the P90X program while hating it at the same time!  I actually did more reps with a few heavier weights this week.  I did however pause the video in between workout moves so that I could catch my breathe.  I had a bad experience the previous week with fainting because I worked too hard and too fast. Yesterday I wanted to get the max out of what I could do but with pacing myself at the same time.  Tonight I look forward to my Plyometrics workout!  Think like a cat!

Monday, November 15, 2010


  I am mainly having troubles with my calves.  They are SO stiff after Fridays Legs and Back workout! 
I have 5 months under my belt since I started working out so I am down to the weight I want to be. The only thing I regret is I spent the 5 months running and running and running, and lifting weights but I left out the leg workouts.  
 I took my before pictures as instructed for P90x and I will post them. 
 Since I have already worked alot in the past few months I am not trying to loose weight.  I am interested to see how P90X does for my  core, back, and  "Chicken Legs"
 Side - P90x phase 1-Day1  11/08/2010

 Front - P90x phase 1 - Day1  11/08/2010

Back-Arms UP - P90x phase 1 - Day1  11/08/2010

Front Arms Up - P90x phase 1 - Day1  11/08/2010

Front Arms Down - P90x phase 1 - Day1  11/08/2010
I am adding 3-4 days of running to my schedule as well as swapping out the Kenpo workout on Saturdays for a normal day of bench pressing.  So here are my pictures.

Friday, November 12, 2010

My first Yoga day

Well we started Round 3 of P90X on Monday and I had decided I was going to replace my Yoga day with some other workout.  My wife told me that Yoga is supposed to build core strength so I decided I would try it.  I thought it would be all of this relaxing, breathing, and meditating stuff...... yeah its not exactly that.  I am nowhere near flexible and my balance is ... so/so.  This will be a really good workout for me to do.  I was glad to see that 20 minutes into it I was sweating and and struggling.  I really loved doing it and look forward to seeing myself improve in this area.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today is Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X!!!  I am going to pace myself a little better today since day 1 with back and chest did not go so well.  Yesterday was my Plyometrics day and it went awesome!  I ran 3 miles at lunch and then did my Plyo workout around 6:00 pm.  I managed to keep up with them throughout the whole hour which felt awesome!  I am sticking with my same eating habits I have had the past 5 months with about 5-6 small meals per day.  I always end my day with a protein shake as my dinner at around 6 or 7 pm after my workout.  I am however going to slightly modify the P90x program and add a little to it.  I will be running  3-4 days per week.  I will also be replacing the Kenpo day with a day of bench pressing so that I do not loose the growth I made in my past 5 months.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Learned my Lesson

Well I did my first night of round 3 with P90X and I learned my lesson.  I have been running and lifting for 5 months now so I thought i was in excellent shape.  I may be in great shape but I have alot of work to to.  The DVD started with Chest and Back and I went at it setting goals for each workout just like the guys on the dvd.  What do I do wrong?  I set my goals right with theirs...... on my first day. These guys do this all the time.  I did pretty good except I got done and had to stay laying down with feet elevated for over a half hour.  Each time I stood up I could feel the tunnel vision coming and I would lay down as fast as I could before fainting.  It is a intense workout and I recommend pacing yourself and taking it easy the first few times to see how much stress your body can take.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X

For those of you that are starting with us today on the Classic program we are on Chest and Back and also Ab Ripper X.  Tear it up!  Track your stats on the spreadsheet and feel free to ask any questions.

Friday, November 5, 2010

30 Chin-ups!

Last night when I got home I was feeling good!  I don't know if it was because I was emotional about finding out im having another baby girl or the fact that my band is playing tonight.  Either way I was pumped and decided to see how many chin-ups I could do.   I got on my workout clothes, ran downstairs, and went at it.  I hit 30 chin-ups!!!  My goal. 
By the time the New Year is here I will do 35 chin-ups.  I can feel it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

423 miles

Well I am up to 423 miles ran since June 1st!  It has been fun keeping track of miles as a personal motivation tool throughout this past summer.  I am not looking forward to winter coming and the need to begin waking up early to run before work.  I am currently running during my lunch hour at noon OUTSIDE.  As the snow begins to fall and the cold begins to set in, I will have to start running on the treadmill again.  It needs to be done but I don't look forward to it.  Next round of P90X has also been put off for one week for me in order to start at the same time as a few of my friends.  We look forward to getting through the program together!  So those that still haven't started..... you still have time to decide!  For those that started on the 1st, KEEP IT UP!